Well, it was the cutest thing. Last week the parents got the go ahead to start feeding the little princess rice cereal twice a day. They waited until we arrived the next day before they fed her for the first time. (Wasn’t that sweet?) Cameras, camera phones and video camera ready, we prepared the cereal with much discussion in English and Mandarin Chinese on the consistency, put the little darlin’ in the bumbo and introduced the little spoon to her sweet little mouth.
I don’t know exactly what she thought, but even though she is as cute as the Gerber baby on the box, she absolutely did not understand why or what we were doing. First attempt went as expected. Lots of food on the face, not much in the mouth. I don’t know if it was the actual feeding or all the hoopla going on around her, but she had had enough in short order. (We knew the first few feedings are simply to introduce the spoon, but, alas, she didn’t know that!)
The next day proved a little better and she is doing much better this week. She is ready to move from the extremely bland rice cereal to something more tasty- like pizza!
Diane (Mimi)
Hey thats great Aunt Diane. She has gotten so big and cute. Are they coming down for Easter?